ivan gálvez (Madrid 1942) presents the consideration of the landscape perceived from its epicenter about intellectual and emotional, that goes beyond the simple lectura.De Hence one feels the weather or distance, the light of each moment and even the state of mind who is telling its industrial cadencias.Perito who studied architecture in Barcelona and graphic design in Gothenburg and Madrid, is a career that makes painter shapes and color an entire psychic expression. Since 1962 exhibited regularly in galleries, cultural centers and public spaces of Barcelona, Gothenburg, Granada, Fuegirola, London, Almuñecar, Lanzarote. Cuba, Madrid, Ciudad Real, Almuñecar and Granada, where he is unveiling a chronic land where it pours, in many ways, the places of the soul seeking to flourish and manifest. In 2000, in Mercato di Artisti the beast Spagnoli, Milan, conducted a three-dimensional size of "Las Meninas" by Velazquez, who was a landscape as culture. His work is articulated with a descriptive drawing the question and interrelated compositional elements, are seen in coastal or interior landscapes, seas and rivers, sky and soil, but all with color and temperament to realize because of the organic and homing as a proposal made to measure. Museums and collections: Library-Lanzarote Wine Museum, London collection Tryon-Wilson, Vazquez-Figueroa library Lanzarote, Madrid City Council, CC Puerta de Toledo, Madrid. Bibliography: Canarias7, Lanzarote Holliday, Lanceloz, Canarian Gazette, The Point of the Arts, Annals of Plastic Arts the twenty-first century, who and why, Arts and Heritage. Ideal. ABC. Opinion-Granada Hoy. Granada Magazine